Better our Understanding.

Behavioral Health. Children's Education. Nutrition. Gun laws. The Drug Epidemic. Racism. Land & Labor Acknowledgments. Sexual Orientation. and so much more.

Many issues don't take sides exclusively based on civics or political beliefs, so how do we create change within our political systems to reflect this?

One of the most challenging notions about holding space for uncomfortable conversations is not understanding how, who, what, or why we may say or do something that might (unintentionally) hurt someone else or that they may deem offensive.

I understand this because, as an advocate, I am submerged in several 'Deep Dive' conversations, which address various social issues. Just because I advocate for what I believe is morally and ethically right does not prohibit me from feeling uncomfortable in conversations where I may not know or understand a particular belief or culture. But that is okay because I am here to gain perspective and understanding.

And although I may know more than others (due to my advocacy work), there is also SO MUCH I don't know or understand about people, culture, our history, and how it correlates to the present, social justice, and equity, to name a few.

This blog and podcast will cover several topics and perspectives from all walks of life, hoping to understand how although we all may be different, we all have commonalities.